
Here is a latest update to our key stakeholders on the project “Promoting Quality Civic Education in the Country”, supported by DFID-OSIWA and implemented by Riplington and Associates in Borno, Enugu and Kano states.
In line with our communication strategy, it is our practice to continuously update all our stakeholders on the current status of the project implementation. To this end, kindly find attached a few pictures and below a summarised list of some of our completed activities  during the period February – July 2017:
  • Sensitisation meetings in all the three (3) states with Basic, Secondary School and Tertiary institutions : We had in attendance the Principals, Head teachers, HOD Civic Education/Senior Teachers, SBMC Chairpersons and Deans/HODs. They were all sensitised as relevant stakeholder prior to the data collection exercise that took place in their schools and institutions.
  •  Training of 6 Research Assistants and 26 Field Enumerators on how to administer the survey instruments and on child protection in  research settings, across the three (3) states where data was collected.
  • Data collection in 70 selected schools covering over 3,000 respondents from Primary, Secondary and Tertiary institutions targeting students/learners, school heads/teacher and lecturers/student across Borno, Enugu and Kano states.
  • Focus Group Discussion with Policy makers, Education Managers and other relevant policy stakeholders in the three (3) states; whose mandates includes the promotion of civic education in the country, to make valuable inputs on the issue that will in turn form part of the policy document, as part of the project deliverable.
  • Signing of MoU between Riplington and Associates (RandA) and Nigerian Education Research and Development Council (NERDC): The two organisations signed an MoU to further strengthen our collaboration on the project and to ensure that the policy findings and recommendations are accepted.
Next steps :
  • Data Digitising and Analysis by BudgIT
  • Development of a teacher training manual
  • Teacher training for civic education teachers/lecturers in selected primary/secondary schools and tertiary institutions in the 3 states
Although we have experienced some delays, which has in turn resulted to the project being extended beyond the initial end date of September 2017. However, it is clear that we are making good progress.

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