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Policy and Research
What we do Riplington & Associates work with educators, parents, community members, and policymakers across Nigeria (and Africa) to build, find and use strategies and tools to address educational problems. This is achieved through providing research and white papers on policy issues addressing emerging issues of importance to ...promoting-quality-civic-education-in-the-country-nigeria
PROMOTING QUALITY CIVIC EDUCATION IN THE COUNTRY (NIGERIA) PROJECT OBJECTIVES General Objective The overall goal of the project is to conduct a holistic and comprehensive review of Nigeria’s civic education strategy and its implementation in primary and secondary schools. Specific Objectives i. To examine the current slide in ...stakeholders
Here is a latest update to our key stakeholders on the project “Promoting Quality Civic Education in the Country”, supported by DFID-OSIWA and implemented by Riplington and Associates in Borno, Enugu and Kano states. In line with our communication strategy, it is our practice to continuously update all ...National Stakeholders
National Stakeholders’ Consultative Meeting (November 2016) Communique Project Overview Opening Speech Welcome Address
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Policy and Research
What we do Riplington & Associates work with educators, parents, community members, and policymakers across Nigeria (and Africa) to build, find and use strategies and ...promoting-quality-civic-education-in-the-country-nigeria
PROMOTING QUALITY CIVIC EDUCATION IN THE COUNTRY (NIGERIA) PROJECT OBJECTIVES General Objective The overall goal of the project is to conduct a holistic and comprehensive ...stakeholders
Here is a latest update to our key stakeholders on the project “Promoting Quality Civic Education in the Country”, supported by DFID-OSIWA and implemented by ...National Stakeholders
National Stakeholders’ Consultative Meeting (November 2016) Communique Project Overview Opening Speech Welcome Address
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